Here is a story named: “Good thing, bad thing who knows”*
There was once a farmer who owned a horse and had a son.
One day, his horse ran away. The neighbours came to express their concern: “Oh, that’s too bad. How are you going to work the fields now?” The farmer replied: “Good thing, Bad thing, who knows?”
In a few days, his horse came back and bought another horse with her. Now, the neighbours were glad: “Oh, how lucky! Now you can do twice as much work as before!” The farmer replied: “Good thing, Bad thing, who knows?”
The next day, the farmer’s son fell off the new horse and broke his leg. The neighbours were concerned again: “Now that he is incapacitated, he can’t help you around, that’s too bad.” The farmer replied: “Good thing, Bad thing, who knows?”
Soon, the news came that a war broke out, and all the young men were required to join the army. The villagers were sad because they knew that many of the young men would not come back. The farmer’s son could not be drafted because of his broken leg. His neighbours were envious: “How lucky! You get to keep your only son.” The farmer replied: “Good thing, Bad thing, who knows?”
*This story and the exercise in the following daily task are taken from the book “If you are so smart, why aren’t you happy” of prof. Raj Raghunathan.

Daily Task
Let’s look at the bigger picture. Download the Worksheet: “Good thing, bad thing – let’s see” and start reflecting on your selected past negative events.