
Emotional Self-Regulation (also called self-control or internal control) – This is the ability to control our behaviour based on managing our thoughts and emotions as well as by improving our physical and emotional well-being. People who have internal control typically do not act on their impulses and do not give way to anger, jealousy, fear, panic or other emotions to negatively influence their decisions and behaviour. Emotional self-regulation improves communication, helps avoid conflict and also improves the sense of well-being.

Daily Task

Today we offer you an exercise called Mental Chatter. It will help you achieve a deeper and better understanding of the quality of your emotional palette. You can also gain insight into the goals you prioritise and the values and worldview that shape your perceptions.

Stage 1:

Keep a diary of your thoughts from your “chatter mind” for at least 7 days.

One way to succeed in this task is to try to observe your thoughts as if you were an outsider, someone who is delving into your mind, observing and tracking your thoughts and images in your mind.

When trying to do this, don’t judge the thoughts, feelings and images that arise. Try to resist the tendency to categorise them as “positive,” “negative,” “good,” or “bad.” Your task in the first stage is simply to observe the thoughts that arise without judging, evaluating or commenting on them.

If you feel that the activity of monitoring your thoughts is interfering with your ability to record them, don’t worry. This is a very common experience. After you have taken a short break, go back to observing your natural thoughts.

Stage 2:

At the end of the period, review your thoughts and answer the question: “What are predominantly thoughts in my head?”

o            Negative;

o            Positive.

Categorise your recorded thoughts into the following categories: a) thoughts in which you compare yourself to others; b) thoughts about your relationships with people; c) thoughts about tasks and work; d) thoughts related to past events; e) thoughts about future events; f) other.